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Vorlaeufige Untersuchungen ueber den bairischen Bulgarenmord von 631/632

by Kunstmann Heinrich Kunstmann

In der Reihe Slavistische Beitrage werden vor allem slavistische Dissertationen des deutschsprachigen Raums sowie vereinzelt auch amerikanische, englische und russische publiziert. Daruber hinaus stellt die Reihe ein Forum fur Sammelbande und Monographien etablierter Wissenschafter/innen dar.


650 Idioms and Proverbial Phrases in Modern Standard Arabic

by Lamia Jamal-Aldin, Abdullah Hammadi

650 Idioms and Proverbial Phrases in Modern Standard Arabic is the ideal tool for learners of Arabic who wish to improve their knowledge and comprehension of Arabic language and culture and make their language more expressive and idiomatic.


Politics in Pacific Asia

by Xiaoming Huang, Jason Young


Military History of Late Rome 565–602

by Ilkka Syvanne

Provides a new fresh analysis of the Roman Empire in the aftermath of the reconquests of Justinian I (527-65).


Exam 70–600

by Microsoft Official Academic Course

The Microsoft Official Academic Course Program are the official products for Microsoft Programs in higher education. These learning products are created especially for the academic market and combine the business world focus and market research of Microsoft with 200 years of successful higher education publishing from Wiley.