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Search results for 'Murakami'


Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence

by David Lyon, David Murakami Wood

In a critical analysis of the profound shift to big data practices among intelligence agencies, Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence highlights the challenges for civil liberties, human rights, and privacy protection.


Biotribology of Natural and Artificial Joints

by Teruo (Professor Emeritus, Kyushu University, Japan) Murakami


School Principals in Mexico

by Carmen Celina Torres Arcadia, Norma Guadalupe Pesqueira, Elizabeth Murakami


School Principals in Mexico

by Carmen Celina Torres Arcadia, Norma Guadalupe Pesqueira, Elizabeth Murakami


Taurine 12

by Stephen W. Schaffer, Abdeslem El Idrissi, Shigeru Murakami

This volume gathers a selection of original articles and reviews on timely topics about the application of Taurine in human health written by members of the International Taurine Society, including COVID-19, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, among others.