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DRAKE - The Bookshop

On September 22nd 2015 DRAKE – The Bookshop opened its “doors” to the public and immediately had the books christened with champagne (thanks Lou). From that day forward we have never looked back. Stockton Council, B Supplied, Gardners Books, The Booksellers Association, Chicken and Frog Bookshop to name but a few were incredibly helpful in the early days (and still are) and since then so many people have helped to make us look professional and competent! In October 2016 we moved to our current home on Silver Street where we have been happily at home except for a brief decamp in March 2020, when a satellite DRAKE was hastily built on the dining room table! From the outset we have had the idea of a sense of community at our heart and although that is a little tricky in the literal sense of the word as 2020 rolls on, we are so thrilled at just how close to so many people’s hearts we are and how much everyone wants to help to keep us going. We are still be around to open the doors and have made sure that inside those doors is a safe place (like there always has been). It might be a slightly different looking safe place, but it will still have community at its heart and will still be there for you. AND, one day, it will be the cosy place we can all gather again, and we look forward to sharing that time with you.





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